Introduction to Flexible Electrical Insulation
Flexible Electrical Insulation layers protect insulated wires from coming into contact with steel cores, hold wires in place, and provide a phase-to-phase barrier. To protect the conductor and insulation structure against mechanical, electrical, environmental and thermal stress, the whole winding is then consolidated using a compatible resin system. Typical Flexible Electrical Insulation applications are slot liners, phase insulations, wedges and slot closures.
The application conditions for any piece of electrical equipment can be extreme. It is therefore vitally important that insulation systems for motors, generators and transformers are designed around the most critical conditions. The right selection of insulating components including Flexible Electrical Insulation for the various voltages and temperature classes is paramount to the integrity of the electrical equipment.
Flexible Electrical Insulation layers protect insulated wires from coming into contact with steel cores, hold wires in place, and provide a phase-to-phase barrier. To protect the conductor and insulation structure against mechanical, electrical, environmental and thermal stress, the whole winding is then consolidated using a compatible resin system. Typical Flexible Electrical Insulation applications are slot liners, phase insulations, wedges and slot closures.
ELAN-Film® HT-180 Insulation
The Advanced Flexible Electrical Insulation - raising performance to the next level
ELAN-Film® HT-180:
- is the debut product solution in a new ELANTAS product family, which expands the potential of flexible insulation compared with conventional laminate combinations.
- is an innovative material ideally matched to the performance required while operating at temperature ranges up to 200 °C, ensuring that electrical machines have a long and reliable service life.
- is designed for low-voltage motors and generators to protect insulated copper from the steel core (slot liner) and where phase-to-phase insulation is required.
- can easily be preformed so it is excellent for use as a slot closure or in areas where formed insulation is essential.
- is fully compatible with a wide range of impregnating and potting resins.
Easy storage
Low moisture absorption eliminates the need for preheating components and the extra effort and care needed in processing, drying, packaging and handling
Reduced material waste
No restriction on material orientation (MD to XMD) during slitting and cutting operations results in less waste during part fabrication
Improved operational efficiency
Resistance to damage during product preparation reduces down-time and cleaning (e.g. no dusting or chalking during die cutting, slitting, creasing and folding)
ELAN-Film® HT-180 Insulation stands up to constant operation at -20°C to +200 °C and transient temperatures of up to 250 °C without degradation
ELAN-Film® HT-180 Insulation is a superior alternative to conventional insulation for electrical machines, thanks to its excellent electrical properties.
ELAN-Film® HT-180 Insulation Insulation is exceptionally flexible and tear-resistant, so that the material stands up to even the most demanding manufacturing and operating conditions.
ELAN-Film® HT-180 Insulation Insulation is highly resistant to moisture and chemical influences
When it comes to electrical insulation, ELANTAS applies the most demanding of standards to its entire process – from development to production and ultimately delivery; giving you a dependable solution that unites the recognized impregnation expertise of ELANTAS with its specialty resin technology and advanced application knowledge.