Polyurethane Enamels

Wires coated with it could be soldered directly without peeling off the film, normally at around 375℃. It is available in a range of different thermal classes. It can be supplied in color versions for production of color wires. Widely used to produce magnet wires for applications in electronic industries.

Thermal Index:130
Chemical Basis:Polyurethane

A polyurethane for general purpose, useful for application which needs less soldering residue but not so high thermal index. Wires made of it are fast soldering, and with very less residue. Good general performance, and pinhole resistant.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department: Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

Thermal Index:155
Chemical Basis :Polyurethane

This is a fast soldering polyurethane class 155 with equivalent other properties. Easy application, and with good pinhole resistance. The modified lower solid type shows faster soldering and less residue, better for fine wires. UL listed.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department: Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

Thermal Index:155
Chemical Basis :Polyurethane

This is a traditional polyurethane class 155 for general purpose, with excellent performance. Good runnability, excellent pinhole resistance according to JIS and good thermal properties. UL listed.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department: Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

Thermal Index:155
Chemical Basis:Polyurethane

This is a polyurethane class 155 for general purpose, lower viscosity at higher solid, particularly used for fine wires, fast soldering with less soldering, and can be soldered at very low temperature. Good surface, and no dusting. Good general performances and pinhole resistant.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department: Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

Thermal Index:180
Chemical Basis:Polyurethane

This is a polyurethane class 155 for high speed application. Wires made of it are pinhole free according to JIS, good thermal properties such as higher cut-through. Solderable at 375℃. UL listed.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department: Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

Thermal Index:180
Chemical Basis:Polyurethane

This product is improved from Tongsold 215, with better pinhole resistance and heat shock. Wires made of it pass various tough tests for pinhole, including pinhole tests after elongation, rubbing and bending.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department: Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

Thermal Index:195
Chemical Basis:Polyurethane  聚氨酯

This is a high thermal class polyurethane suitable for high enameling speed, excellent performance. Very good pinhole resistance and high thermal stability. Thermal index is high, but solderable at not so high temperature, and soldering fast. UL listed.

For detailed information, please contact technical service department: Xiaobing.Yu@remove-this.altana.remove-this-also.com

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